Friday, September 21, 2012

The Pooling Redo

I can't believe that I first attempted to make a proper pool back in April, that's only 6 months ago! I learned so much and looking back I feel dumb, but that's the main purpose of this blog! I like to check out my learning curve.

Anyways, to the pools, not too long ago I read about intrusive lists and how they were awesome for managing your game objects, before that my take on recursions were weird as well, I abandon the method and just made a while loop scanning of the nodes to traverse the tree, so no more recursion because the Xbox hates you using memory!

My last revision on the pool was cool, managed and it served it's purpose pretty well, but then I read about recursive lists and I thought that I could use something like that in the pool, a linked list pretty much but instead of using the built in linked list I wanted to make the nodes of the pool the actual objects and not a sub object attached to a node.

public class LinkedPoolean<t> where T : PooleanNode, new()
       Type TypeOfT;

        T Head;

        public LinkedPoolean()
            TypeOfT = typeof(T);
            Head = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(TypeOfT);

        public void Get(out T Vessel)
            if (Head != null)
                Vessel = Head;
                Head = (T)Head.Next;
                Vessel = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(TypeOfT);

        public void ReturnPoolable(T Return)
            Return.Next = Head;
            Head = Return;

The thing to note here is that it is so ridiculous simple in comparison to my first attempt, and I was thinking that the last attempt was short! now, in this case I made the "PooleanNode" a base class cause it bugs me to know that I would have to use a "Property" to fetch a single field (which is all that class has in it as for now), but if that doesn't bother you then you may as well make the class an interface.

Poolean class:

public class PooleanNode
        public PooleanNode Next;

Well more weird things will result out of this, I am going to be changing quite a bit of things in my engine, because this method it is not just about 10 times faster and more memory friendly but it is also a good design.

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